BattleJesus Guide

Boldly going where no bot has gone before!
Last updated: 04 March 2016.


Welcome to the operator manual for BattleJesus.


BattleJesus is a bot specifically designed to track and calculate WordWars, short periods of time where a writer tries to write as much as possible. Other features, such as tracking word counts, novel quotes, etc, were added in later versions. This manual lists all publically accessible bot commands, their syntax, their usage, and what they do. Please see Troubleshooting if you have technical issues with the bot.

About BattleJesus

Commands have one of three types:

  1. Public commands can be used in any channel in which BattleJesus is present.
  2. Private commands must be given via private message, as their name implies.
  3. Dual commands may be given in channel or via private message.

Commands can also come in various flavours:

  • WordWar commands relate to WordWars, which are explained in the #nanowrimo Rules & FAQ.
  • Login commands authenticate you with BattleJesus, or else they require authentication.
  • Other commands perform various functions not associated with either of the above.

Most commands will return a result, whether private or public. Commands issued privately need not begin with the command character (!), and commands may instead begin with the bot's name followed by a colon (BattleJesus: ...).

Command Interface

Each command is listed with usage rules. A fragment in square brackets ([]) is optional, and may be omitted. A fragment in angle brackets (<>) is required, and must be given.


cq — Selects a quote from the channel database.

Usage: !cq [#]

!cq <#> — Returns the numbered quote from the channel database.

!cq — Returns a randomly-selected quote from the channel database.

cqadd — Adds a quote to the channel database.

Usage: !cqadd <text>

!cqadd <text> — Adds text to the channel database as a quote.

cqcount — Show the number of quotes in the channel database.

Usage: !cqcount

!cqcount — Shows the number of quotes in the channel database.

faq — Links to the channel FAQ.

Usage: !faq

!faq — Sends a private message containing a link to the FAQ.

Private commands

cqkill — Removes quotes from the channel database.

Usage: !cqkill <channel> <#> Required Flag: *

!cqkill <channel> <#> — Purges the numbered quote from the channel database.

cqseek — Search for quotes in the channel database.

Usage: !cqseek <s or n>:<term> [channel] Required Flag: *

!cqseek s:<term> [channel] — Searches for the term term in the database of quotes, returning either quotes from [channel] if defined, or all mutual channels. term may not contain whitespace. Multiple terms can be ANDed (&) or ORed (|), and negated (!).

!cqseek n:<user> [channel] — Searches for, and returns, all quotes added by the user, either for the given channel or for all channels.

login — Log into the bot.

Usage: !login <passwword>

!login <passwword> — Log into the bot. Sessions last 60 minutes or until !logout is issued, whichever occurs first.

logout — Log out of the bot.

Usage: !logout

!logout — Logs you out of any existing session on the bot.

password — Change your password.

Usage: !password <new password>

!password <new password> — Changes your password to new password if you're logged in.

register — Register an account with the bot.

Usage: !register <password>

!register <password> — Registers you with the bot, using password password.

Dual-mode commands

api — Access the NaNoWriMo API.

Usage: !api <u or r>count <id>

!api ucount <id> — Display the current word count for the user id given.

!api rcount <id> — Display the current word count for the region id given.

changepass — Change the password for the given user.

Usage: !changepass <user>

!changepass <user> — Sets the password for the user to changeme.

conv — Converts from one unit to another.

Usage: !conv <num><unit>

!conv <num><f or c> — Convert the given temperature to Fahrenheit or Celsius.

!conv <num><lb or kg> — Convert the given weight to pounds (lb) or kilograms.

!conv <num><mi or km> — Convert the given speed to miles or kilometers.

Note: This command is also spelled !conf or !convert.

count — Word counts.

Usage: !count [count or <user>]

!count <count> — While logged in, modify your wordcount by count. The valid range for count is 0­–5000.

!count <user> — If the user is registered and has a wordcount, shows the wordcount for that user.

!count — Shows your wordcount.

energy — Show how much energy you have.

Usage: !energy

!energy — Shows how much energy you have available.

Note: Most commands consume energy. Public usage of dual commands uses more energy than private usage of same. Please consider using BattleJesus in private.

flags — A flags-based permissions system.

Usage: !flags [[mask] [flags] or list or help]

!flags <mask> <flags> — Modifies flags for mask. See !flags help for a list of flags and their meanings. flags looks like a standard IRC mode string.

!flags <mask> ­— Show the flags for mask.

!flags list — PMs a list of users and their flags. Requires the a flag.

!flags help — PMs a list of flags and their meanings.

!flags — Shows flags for the person who used this command.

help — Displays help for WordWars and status commands.

Usage: !help

!help — Displays help for WordWars and status commands.

ident — Identify to services.

Usage: !ident

!ident — Identify to services.

ignore — Instruct the bot to ignore a user.

Usage: !ignore <mask>

!ignore <mask> ­— Instruct the bot to ignore a user based on a mask, for which the format is nick!user@host.

Note: Masks may contain wildcards; ? indicates that a single character can be anything, whereas * matches zero or more characters that can be anything.

join — Join the bot to a channel.

Usage: !join <channel>

!join <channel> — Joins the bot to the channel specified.

joinwar — Join a WordWar.

Usage: !joinwar [eo@][war]

!joinwar [war] — Joins the specified war, or the current one if none is specified and only one war is queued. Duplicates of the war-related messages will be sent to you via PM.

!joinwar eo@[war] — As above, but sends only the starting and ending messages are sent.

joinwar-last — Join the most recent WordWar.

Usage: !joinwar-last [eo@]

!joinwar-last — Joins the most recent WordWar. As with !joinwar, duplicates of all war-related messages will be sent to you via PM.

!joinwar-last eo@ — As above, but only the starting and ending messages are sent.

kill — Destroy a WordWar.

Usage: !kill <id>

!kill <id> — Stops the WordWar with the given id.

know — Know a user.

Usage: !know <user>

!know <user> — Learn the user specified.

knowall — Know a user everywhere.

Usage: !knowall <user>

!knowall <user> — Learn the user specified everywhere.

limit — Set and display flood limits.

Usage: !limit [limit]

!limit <limit> — Modify the flood limit.

!limit — Display the current limit.

names — Send a NAMES request to the server.

Usage: !names [channel]

!names <channel> — Request NAMES for the channel.

!names — Request NAMES for the current channel.

newword — Generate a random sequence of letters.

Usage: !newword <length>

!newword <length> — Generate a sequence of about length characters.

nick — Change the bot's nick.

Usage: !nick <nick>

!nick <nick> — Change the bot's nick to be nick.

part — Leave the channel.

Usage: !part <channel>

!part <channel> — Leave the channel channel.

partwar — Leave the WordWar.

Usage: !partwar [war]

!partwar [war] — Leave the WordWar.

pick — Choose an item from a list.

Usage: !pick <item1, item2>[, items...]

!pick <item1, item2>[, items...] — Choose an item from a list.

ping — Verify that you (and the bot) are online.

Usage: !ping

!ping — Verify that you and the bot are online.

prompt — Pick a prompt from the prompt database.

Usage: !prompt [add <text> or kill <num> or count or num]

!prompt add <text> ­— Add <text> to the prompt database. Requires the p flag.

!prompt kill <num> — Remove the prompt identified by num from the prompt database. Requires the p flag.

!prompt count — Show the number of prompts in the database.

!prompt <num> ­— Show the prompt identified by num.

!prompt — Show a random prompt.

rand — Generate a random number.

Usage: !rand <min> <max>

!rand <min> <max> — Generate a number in the range min to max, inclusive.

rchan ­— Send a NAMES request for all channels.

Usage: !rchan

!rchan ­— Send a NAMES request for all channels.

rehash — Reload all modules.

Usage: !rehash

!rehash — Reload all modules.

reload — Reload a list of modules.

Usage: !reload <module>[, modules...]

!reload <module>[, modules] — Reload the specified modules.

roll — Roll dice for one of a variety of systems.

Usage: !roll <XdYY or XdF or XdP or XdW or 1dWC>

!roll XdYY — Roll X YY-sided dice.

!roll XdF — Roll X Fudge dice. (Fudge dice are six-sided dice with two + faces, two - faces, and two   (blank) faces.)

!roll XdP — Roll X Pool dice.

!roll XdW — Roll X World of Darkness dice.

!roll 1dWC — Roll a World of Darkness 'chance' die.

servstat — Show bot information.

Usage: !servstat

!servstat — Show bot status information.

setcount — Set the word count for a user.

Usage: !setcount <user> <count>

!setcount <user> <count> — Change user's count to count.

showlist — Show the blacklist's entries.

Usage: !showlist

!showlist — Show the contents of the blacklist.

sqlreconn — Reconnect to the SQLite database.

Usage: !sqlreconn

!sqlreconn — Reconnect to the SQLite database.

startwar — Start a WordWar.

Usage: !startwar <delay> <length>

!startwar <delay> <length> — Start a length-minute-long (maximum 60 minutes) WordWar after delay minutes (maximum 15).

status — Show current WordWar status in PM.

Usage: !status

!status Send a private message containing current WordWars.

stopall — Stop all WordWars.

Usage: !stopall

!stopall — Stop all WordWars.

switchwar — Toggle WordWar usability.

Usage: !switchwar [on or off]

!switchwar on — Turn WordWars on.

!switchwar off — Turn WordWars off.

!switchwar — Show current WordWar status.

time — Show the time in the Bot Standard Time (US/Central).

Usage: !time

!time — Show the bot's current time/date information.

twist — Select a plot twist from the database.

Usage: !twist [add <text> or kill <num> or count or num]

!twist add <text> — Add a twist to the database. Requires the t flag.

!twist kill <num> — Remove the twist identified by num from the database. Requires the t flag.

!twist count — Show the number of twists in the database.

!twist <num> — Show the twist identified by num.

!twist — Show a random twist.

unignore — Empty the ignorelist.

Usage: !unignore

!unignore — Empty the ignore list.

unknow ­— Forget the user.

Usage: !unknow <user>

!unknow <user> — Forget user.

Operator channel exclusives

last — Provide information about a user.

Usage: !last <user> [-index]

!last <user> — Provides the most recently-stored information about user.

!last <user> -<index> — Provide information stored about user, index records prior to the most recent record.

log — Log some information about a user.

Usage: !log <user> <text>

!log <user> <text> — Stores text about user.


If you're having problems with BattleJesus, please contact Aerdan or Rowan for assistance.